Friday, June 3, 2011

Back to work.

It's always lovely getting a warm welcome from others at your entrance. NOT the kind that's like "Oh, you're back! Great! Hey, the next semester's gonna be such a crazy one. It's already so tiring in the first semester. Next one will be far worse, I think. Anyway, glad you're finally back with us!". (Yeah, that really happened. I mean, I'm glad that my contribution to the organisation is very much valued, but HELLO, I'm still nursing the wound of having to throw myself back into the deep end of the pool, knowing that life will comprise daily crazy struggles once more, after swimming leisurely in the shallow areas for the past few months. Such a welcome just serves to remind me of the terribly rough and bumpy ride that lies in wait for me.)

Anyway, the welcome I appreciate much more is the sort that comes from people whom you know are genuine towards you, and who've missed your company at work. :) I returned a couple of days ago just to feel the ground once more, a day before I had official reasons to be there. It actually felt surprisingly good meeting my friends-cum-coworkers in the office and engaging in the kind of conversations that we were so used to before. Like I told Hubby after that, just being physically present at the workplace got me feeling more ready for work. Guess it's a natural tendency to feel that -- work is, of course, strongly associated with the physical work environment.

But how positive (or otherwise) the work environment is depends a lot on the people you work with. Take this afternoon, for example. I attended a department meeting with people whom I've always enjoyed working with -- well, most of them anyway. Maybe it's because this was the Pupil Welfare Department and most of the colleagues here have a similar temperament as mine and/or share the same beliefs and values when it comes to caring for our students. The meetings are always focused and injected with occasional jokes and laughter, particularly when it comes to mini activities that aim to release us from information and discussion overload at suitable points. If only all meetings were as non-stressful or taxing as these!

Refreshments in the form of catered assorted sandwiches and sweet treats from Delifrance were also served to the whole department as a welcome back for me by my PW boss. Yummylicious! Totally enjoyed them -- just didn't dare to go for a second helping even though I was fairly tempted to! Thanks, Charine! :)

Shall have to be back next week again for a camp. I've a feeling that the first few days of next week may not be as sweet as today though. One can only hope...