Saturday, May 28, 2011

A the salon.

With pregnancy comes several less than pleasant symptoms. That's a well-known fact. The same applies for post-pregnancy conditions.

Well, recently, hubby noticed more strands of my hair lying about in our bathroom. This situation didn't escape my eyes either, of course. I'd also realised that and guessed it must be post-partum related, since I hardly shed any hair throughout the course of my pregnancy.

That, coupled with the fact that this couldn't go on due to the fact that I was without good hair genes and my hair wasn't that thick to begin with, did it. It was time for a long overdue visit to the hair salon.

I decided to head over to Jantzen's at West Coast Plaza in the afternoon and just spend a couple of hours getting a haircut to lighten the weight of my hair as well as some usual protein treatment. I managed to get a scalp treatment aimed at reducing hair loss as well. It was a good two hours spent there as I got what I wanted and enjoyed the shampoo and scalp massage given by one of the girls there. Ahhh...having skipped the hair salon visits for a whole year, I'd forgotten how relaxing a thorough shampoo cum scalp massage can be. Nearly fell asleep in the chair while the girl's fingers were hard at work.

Something weird happened after the visit to the salon though. The stylist who attended to me had actually recommended a particular brand of shampoo for my hair condition. I ended up walking away without purchasing it. Strangely enough, the next day, when I was rummaging through a drawer in the bathroom, I chanced upon a smaller sample set of the exact same shampoo. I don't remember how it came to be there, and hubby was clueless when I asked him about it as well. Weird. Anyway, I've been using it since. Hubby even bought a larger bottle of it for me for $70.

We shall see if it's indeed worth the cash.